Attention Turkey Hunters!

Planning on moving to the Boise area?

  Want to get up to speed on turkeys in Idaho?

There are lots of Boise homes for sale to choose from! As soon as we have that out of the way (or sooner if possible), I will help you bag your first Idaho long beard!


Happy Hunters! Less Than An Hour From Boise!

I will teach you where they live and some strategies for a successful hunt! There is good hunting close to Boise, but even better less pressured areas further north. There are some areas that have strong population numbers but they usually have high numbers of two legged turkeys as well. So after opening I try for spots that may have had a little less pressure!  We may even be able to combine rafting and turkey…

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It doesn’t matter whether you are planning to move across the country or just to a house in a different part of Boise, with kids can be a very difficult and stressful experience. However, kids tend to be very resilient and as long as you take the proper time and care to listen to their concerns and prepare them for what to expect you can help them to see this more of an adventure and not something to be dreaded. Here is a list of tips and hints that are sure to help you and your children make it through your moving experience.

1.)   Throw A Moving Party: A great idea is for you to plan and throw a moving party with your kids. A moving party is a great way to bring some fun and excitement into an otherwise stressful situation. Kids love parties and it…

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Looking For A Safe Place To Move Too? Move to Boise Idaho!

Mayberry = Boise on Steroids!

And Boise Idaho real estate is reasonably priced! You only need to look at a few homes for sale in the Boise mls to see that.

Movoto's blog has ranked Boise as the Number 8 safest city in the country. With a strong middle class, even distribution of wealth, an educated public the incentive to rape, pillage and plunder is just not there. In Boise Idaho we have very little crime. In fact in 2112 there was only 1 murder. So I feel that if Movoto, a national real estate broker can give Boise an award so can I.

So without further delay I hereby award Boise Idaho as the winner of the first every

"Mayberry" USA Award!

Hey Jack as someone once said, with…

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Home prices are on the rise, and inventories are very low. That makes now a great time to get your house in great condition to command a good price.

Get more money to put toward your next home purchase. Implement these tips to get your home ready to sell quickly at a great price and be ready to find your next place.

1. Make sure you have great curb appeal. Mow your lawn, weed your garden, and clean it up. Do any minor repairs that you can that affect the approach to your home. Do the same out back. A poor first impression will make buyers more critical on the inside, looking for flaws.

2. De-clutter the inside of your home. Less clutter and neatness signal good care and give the impression of more space. Consider renting a storage unit to store…

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