Skijoring In Southern Idaho!

What The Heck Is It?

It is part walking the dog, part cross country skiing. Boise real estate agents Mike Carr & Erica Carr love their dogs and cross country skiing! A marriage of the two only seemed natural. It is easy and fun. One common misconception is that the dog does all the work. The tug of the dog does allows the skier short respites, but basically it turns an out of shape 50 year old realtor into a high quality athlete. At the end of a 5 mile ski, you are still drenched in sweat and exhausted. The benefits are many, the heart is healthy, the dogs is thin and lays quietly at your feet for a good day! Not to mention the skier's low key demeanor after whizzing past all the natural goodness!


What If…

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Merry Christmas To All!

And To All A Good Run!

2016 AIRE Tomcat Kayak Givaway!

Sponsored By Mike & Erica Carr & Boise

We want to thank everybody who signed up we had a lot of fun and are doing it again this year! As math dictated, this years lucky winner shared our post on facebook and as a result got 10 extra chances to win! She had 11 chances out of a total of 250 to win the kayak. So Share and sign up for your best chance to win. Find the link to the form  (main nav) for winning the kayak and fill it out. Then go find a post on my facebook page about the kayak, Mike N Erica Carr, or somewhere I shared the post like River Rafters Anonymous and share that. We will draw again next year on or around December 15, 2017. Also buy or…

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Search For Boise Homes For Sale

& Learn About Idaho 

The Ridgerunner Idaho HistoryThe Ridge Runner

Aka William Mooreland

If you are you thinking of moving to Boise or Idaho, here is an interesting story from days gone by! I grew up in a house with a master musician, he played multiple instruments loved music. His other passion was history, he had a million little sayings relating to famous events and how those long ago events could teach us about our current situation or predicament. He especially loved Idaho history from the murder of governor Stunenberg to driving the Lolo Motor road. He followed the Lewis and Clark trail and rode his 4 wheeler to the end of just about every road in the state. It did not matter which creek drainage you were in or what pass you just…

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Happy New Year Boise!

Boise New Year Celebration Ideas 2017!

Fireworks New Years BoiseIf you are considering a move to Boise or already moved to Boise, this article will give you a few ideas of what to expect or where to be when ringing in 2017. Starting with some great family ideas and working down the list to the quintessential tear the house down style New Years Eve celebrations.

Bogus Basin 

Swoosh down the hill at one world class night skiing mountain. With one of the largest night skiing areas in the world ,Bogus Basin is a sure bet for a great start to the new year! Start off with a visit to the nordic center and burn a few calories skate skiing prior to hitting the slopes and feel free to eat all the free appi's you like. If you have any energy left you will…

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Kick Off Spring In An Extravagant Fashion!

Enjoy The 2017 Boise Flower And Garden Show 

March 24-26 At The Boise Centre On The Grove

BFGS _ Boise Flower & Garden Show 2017Find everything you need to get your homes exterior looking like a page from Home and Garden! Everything and everyone from landscape designers, to Orchid and Bonsai Displays will be standing by for you to peruse, poke and prod! Enjoy shopping for greenhouses, decks, plants and more! Check out the latest styles of lawn furniture or attend one of the many seminars and learn a little something to make your garden twinkle just a little more. The traditional silent auction will be a grand success again thanks to the many donations and the one of a kind container gardens included. If you desire to own a unique…

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 Idaho Department of Motor Vehicles Says So!

If you are planning a move to Boise, the State of Idaho gives you up to 90 days to register and title your vehicles to comply with state law. You can do it
Boise Idaho dmv 400 Benjamin Lanesooner if you like. It can be a giant hassle or pretty pain free. Usually registering and title are pretty painless, as there are multiple locations in Ada county that do registration and titles. You can show up pretty much any time and the lines will be reasonable. That said, first thing in the morning is your best bet. I recently went to the main dmv site at 400 Benjamin lane at 4 in the afternoon, zoo to say the least (for drivers licenses, this local is only one for licensing). But there is one on Chinden in Garden City, another on Fairview in…

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Rent One Of These &

The Rest Will Fall Into Place!

Barber Park Events CenterHave you just moved to Boise and want to rent out an space for an event and do not know where to turn? This article will outline a few of the best spaces available for your next barmitzva, reception, anniversary, fundraiser or seminar! Back in the day the ballrooms at the big hotels where the best bets. But today the options go on and on! While one or more of these may work for you this list is our favorites in the order we would try and book them!

1. The Barber Park Education & Event Center

Fireside or riverside, nature abounds at the Barber Park Events center. Owned and operated by Ada County, Barber Park is more famous as the put in for summertime floats on the Boise River. Not every one is…

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