Roberson Trail- Bruneau River Day Trip
Posted by Mike and Erica Carr on
Five Mile Rapid- Roberson Trail Head
Rafting The Bruneau River
How Do I Get To The Roberson Trail?
Getting Anywhere In The Owyhee Canyonlands & The Bruneau river can be a little daunting, but hey you only live once! With years of rafting and chukar hunting in the high deserts, I have had a few experiences. Some great, some not so great, all beautiful. I once had to drag the back end of my truck along a barbed wire fence on a muddy side hill road. I finally got up enough speed and got back on the road. The most painful and expensive 100 yards I can remember. skreeeeeech. My hunting partner wondered off into a blizzard, thank you Owyhee county sheriffs posse. I even returned to my truck after a day chukar hunting to find we had parked on "expansive…
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