Five Mile Rapid- Roberson Trail Head

Rafting The Bruneau River

How Do I Get To The Roberson Trail?

Rafting The Bruneau RiverGetting Anywhere In The Owyhee Canyonlands & The Bruneau river can be a little daunting, but hey you only live once! With years of rafting and chukar hunting in the high deserts, I have had a few experiences. Some great, some not so great, all beautiful. I once had to drag the back end of my truck along a barbed wire fence on a muddy side hill road. I finally got up enough speed and got back on the road. The most painful and expensive 100 yards I can remember. skreeeeeech. My hunting partner wondered off into a blizzard, thank you Owyhee county sheriffs posse. I even returned to my truck after a day chukar hunting to find we had parked on "expansive…

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Boise Art Scene

The Boise Art Scene Is ThrivingBoise Ponds & Art Scene

Films, Fine & Preforming Arts

A few weeks ago I posted a blog about the dynamic art scene in Boise Idaho! I regret that I did not highlight the second incantation of the Les Bois film festival. A dramatic and inspiring line up of films from around the world await the nature lover and cinema enthusiast alike. I am particularly looking forward to The American Kestrel, Chasing Ridgelines & Elk River.

 David Henry will be performing prior to the 2 pm film screening, and prior to the 7 pm screening will be Ty Clayton and Ali Knox. See You There!

Buy Tickets!


Co-hosted by The Land Trust of the Treasure Valley and Wild Lens

After hosting the Wild and Scenic Film Festival’s traveling…

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Best Article I Have Seen On Rates Changes For 2017

Rates Heating Up?One of our preferred mortgage brokers just sent me his newsletter that dives into the question of whether interest rates will rise in 2017. It’s so full of interest rate chatter about Feds, Reserves, Trump, blah,blah...…If you are thinking of buying this year read on. 

What if everyone thought we were going to see increasingly higher mortgage rates, and we did not? If you will recallt this is exactly what happened 13 months ago when the Federal Reserve Open Market Committee raised overnight Fed Funds in December of 2016, after which long term rates dropped and stayed low for the next ten months. Can an argument be made for the same thing happening in 2017? Perhaps.

After the presidential…

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Boise Idaho Real Estate

Thinking Of Selling Your Home In Boise?Selling My Home In Boise Idaho

Do These Before You List Your Home In Boise..

 ...To Help Get Top Dollar! It is a great time to sell Boise real estate. The snow is gone and inventory is low. Don’t wait until May you will be competing with more listings of existing homes. Buyers are trying so hard to find homes right now it may surprise you what they will agree to! On top of that the builders will be adding supply as fast as the president can sign executive orders! The Boise real estate market hit an all-time low in inventory in January. There is a strong pool of buyers bidding their time and waiting for you to list. The best news is that you will not need to do quite as much work in order to get great offers. Need…

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Boise Komen Race For The Cure 2017 

One Way Or Another...Help!

Boise 2017 Race For The Cure

Someone You Know Will Be The..

Next Breast Cancer Survivor

Breast cancer is not the only disease taking friends and family away from us!  But it is one we are getting close to curing! Early detection is the key. Survival rates are getting really good when detected early. Please Help...the individuals and community is depending on us. We have all been touched by cancer in one way or another. Donate if you can, every little bit helps!

Why is this important? Breast cancer is the second most common cause of cancer mortality among women in developed countries (lung cancer is first).  I am fundraising this year to help provide a screening mammogram to an uninsured or under…

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The Building Of Highway 12

AIre Catarafts Lochsa Peak 2016

& The Creation Of A White Water Mecca

The Lochsa Is God's Country!

Lochsa River Madness!

If you are new to Boise or thinking about moving to Boise Idaho, relocating to Meridian or anywhere near here the Lochsa is "Gods" country. I don't care if you are Buddist, Christian, Hindu or a Scientologist (is that a religion?), once your god see's The Lochsa he will claim it!

As a fourth generation Idahoan, my roots run deep in Idaho and nowhere have they had more time to sink into the soil than The Lochsa river drainage. One might assume it is because I am a rafter and it is a famous whitewater river that was made by nature and improved by man. It is one of Idaho’s classic white water runs that my connection starts…

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Planning On Moving To Boise?

Cougar Owyhee CountyHouse Hunting

Or Bird Hunting

We Over Deliver

Every Time!

This year’s chukar season was great. The bird numbers were the best in years. The dogs did great. I did not even loose one this year! I found a bunch of new spots that I had not hunted before. It all bodes well for next year. Even with all the snow we had an excellent green up. All the birds I shot late season where chuck full of green grass. We even got a little late season big game surprise! Sagecats! With all the cold weather that we had in January there where a limited number of open areas to hunt. Typically a lot of the south facing hillsides melt, the birds and bird hunters alike congregate here. This year there was a limited number of areas that…

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Idaho's Steelhead & Salmon Runs!

Salmon River Steelhead Fishing Is Fun!Recovery..

It Is A Lot Of Work!

Thoughts on Dam Removal & Steelhead Fishing In Idaho!

One easy way the current administration could bring some sorely needed jobs to Idaho would be to recover the salmon & steelhead runs to Idaho's many rivers for fisherman and hotel owner's. A full recovery of the fish runs in Idaho, to near pre dam levels,  would make us the new Alaska, and a lot closer to home as well. It would also restore a great west coast salmon fishery to Oregon and Washington Coast! Alas, I fear that it will be 4 more years before any action is taken with the current state of affairs politically. These probably aren't the kind of jobs potus will think are important. In the mean time we get by with the…

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