It doesn’t matter whether you are planning to move across the country or just to a house in a different part of Boise, with kids can be a very difficult and stressful experience. However, kids tend to be very resilient and as long as you take the proper time and care to listen to their concerns and prepare them for what to expect you can help them to see this more of an adventure and not something to be dreaded. Here is a list of tips and hints that are sure to help you and your children make it through your moving experience.

1.)   Throw A Moving Party: A great idea is for you to plan and throw a moving party with your kids. A moving party is a great way to bring some fun and excitement into an otherwise stressful situation. Kids love parties and it will help them view moving as more of a celebration.

2.)   Make Moving An Adventure: No matter what you do moving will create havoc and upheaval in your children’s lives. The best thing to do is to try and make it seem more like an adventure when you move with kids. This will make it more fun and enjoyable for everyone involved.

3.)   Make A List Of All The New And Exciting Things You Can Do: It is important that you sit down with your kids and make a list of any and all of the new fun and exciting things you will be able to do in your new home. This list will be there for you to pull out and show them when moving starts getting to be too hard.

4.)   Utilize Alternate Entertainment: It is important that you have alternate forms of entertainment available to keep your kids busy. If you have babysitters available be sure to use them. You will be much more productive if you can be afforded a few kid free hours each day.

5.)   Preserve Your Family Routines: After you have moved into your new home many things will change but it is very important that you try and maintain some of your family routines and traditions. These routines and traditions will make the transition much easier for both you and your kids.

6.)   Don’t Throw Away Your Moving Boxes Right Away: Don’t throw away your moving boxes right away because all kids love playing with boxes. There is an unlimited amount of fun things you and your kids can do with your moving boxes and any fun you can infuse into this experience will be well rewarded.

Posted by Mike and Erica Carr on
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