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Star New Homes


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More About New Homes In Star

...until we locate the one for you to call home. 

A new home in Star can be affordable! Recently there was a spec home starting at $152,990 with the most expensive spec or model for sale on the market was $419,000. Star's median price was around $296,500, the average $278,642. I would call that reasonable! Of course you get what you pay for and the quality difference between the two are pretty drastic. On the lower end you can expect a standard trim pack and vinyl flooring with builders grade carpeting the norm. As you near the top you start to see solid surface's creep in. Upgraded trim packs, builtins, crown molding, hi efficiency items and much more. Star real estate is a great option for the family on a budget trying to keep the quality of life and life style high and the price as low as possible. With the same great schools as Eagle and the better pricing than Meridian, smart Idaho new home buyers will consider Star first. Hey, drive a little, save a lot.

Some of the builders you can expect to see in Star are Cbh Homes and Hubble of course. As the valley's two largest volume builders they are everywhere. We think one offer more than the other, just give us a call to find out which one we like and why! Over the years these and other fine builders are and have been known to construct residences in Star seen homes built in Star by Paradigm Construction, Parkcrest  Homes, Paragon Homes, Walker Building Company, Boise Building Company, Shadow Mountain, Riverwood, Stanford , Emmett Price Homes, Sunrise Homes, Biltmore Construction , TKO Custom Homes and many more. They are building in developments and subdivisions like Pavilion Commons, Colt Place and Lobo Creek for Cbh Homes, Alderbrook for Hubble Homes,  Rockbridge, Heron River, Roselands, Saddlebrook, The Lakes at Pristine Meadows, Waterview and Sage Canyon are all popular with the remainder of builders in one or more of the current developments. 

With so many builders and developments going up in Star the selection of styles and floor plans are many and varied. Of course your price range will determine what is available for you ! We have 3 great lenders if you are still in need of getting prequalified. It is very important going in to have that out of the way. In a market like the sellers market we are in right now seller can afford to be choosey when it comes to accepting offer. Without a preapproval letter your credibility goes right down the tubes when an offer is presented without the proof that you have done your home work and are ready to go.The Instant Access Agent is standing by to answer questions, get you in touch with a great lender, or show you the new homes built by these fine builders, or any of the other builders constructing new homes in Star Idaho. If you are interested here is a copy of the Idaho State Agency Brochure.

Instant Access Agent Available 24/7

Questions? 208-284-9905

Email Mike & Erica