Get Happy With Yoga!

Boise's Best Yoga Studio's

Boise Yoga StudiosPlanning a trip or a move to Boise & need to find a great yoga studio in your neck of the woods? Here are a few to start with. If you would like to see some homes for sale while you are here, feel free to give Erica a call. We also offer an educational core tour. We strive to get you up to speed on more than just great yoga. Traffic patterns, growth , great places to eat. A lifetime of local knowledge is at your finger tips right now!

Questions? 208-284-9905

Email Mike & Erica

Essential Hot Yoga 

A solid line up of classes that stay the same for planning purposes, and has many conveniently located studios throughout the valley.  

Sage Yoga  

Is located in downtown Boise right on 8th street and has a wide variety creative classes. Very popular.

Halo Hot Yoga 

With two locations and a bit more variety in the class line up than Essential.

Yoga Tree Of Boise  

Is located on Hill road in the Northend. Lots of differnt class types to choose from.

Meridian Id. Yoga Studio'sYoga has been around for more than 5,000 years.  Its good for all sorts of things!  Everyone knows it improves your flexibility but did you know that it drops your blood pressure, regulates your adrenal glands, boosts immunity, and protects your spine. 

Studies by the British medical journal The Lancet, show that the effects of Savasana (Corpse Pose) drops both your Systolic and Diastolic blood pressure. Your adrenal glands secrete cortisol in response to an acute crisis, yoga lowers your cortisol levels.  Excessive cortisol has been linked to everything from depression to diabetes and even heart attack. 

When you contract and stretch muscles, your organs move around as you come in and out of yoga postures, you increase the drainage of the lymph (a viscous fluid rich in immune cells).  The lymphatic system fights infections and destroys cancerous cells.  The vertebrae are your shock absorbers!  Yoga protects your spin by doing forward bends, backbends and twists you give your vertebrae nutrients and keeps your disks supple.  Overall Yoga makes me happy and I want you to be happy too! 

 Health vector designed by Kjpargeter -


Posted by Mike and Erica Carr on


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